FF 29 Possible X-notifier conflict with Classic Theme Restorer
Using FF 29, X-notifier, and Classic Theme Restorer, when I open Firefox, I get the X-notifier prompt for the master password, and then Firefox opens - but the main toolbar with the URL bar in it is a messed up and all icons are missing. I have to click on the new Firefox button, click Customize, and then Exit Customize. At that point the main toolbar icons are restored. If I disable X-notifier, Firefox opens and the toolbar is fine. Not saying this is X-notifier's fault or problem, but wondering if anyone else has hit this - and if there is a workaround or solution.
Toolbar after entering and exiting firefox customize
Note: Edited to add links to images of good and bad toolbars.
Mon, 05/19/2014 - 01:05
See RpD's quote...
"I don't install any to put things back the way they were"
read whole thing...
We decide to leave as is... without any fool around Classic Theme Restorer...
So RpD and CFB can NOT able to help you, because CFB did not want to play or fool around...
So I let you (skkukuk) fool around, and learn something and post here... Smile.
Mon, 05/19/2014 - 01:15
Thanks for reply. Just to be
Thanks for reply. Just to be clear, it is not the X-notifier toolbar or X-notifier icon or the Add-on toolbar I am having a problem with. I edited the original post with links to images showing the before and after main firefox toolbar.
Anybody else having this problem?
Is there a way to delay the initial X-notifier prompt for password? Just a hunch, but I can't help thinking that the prompt may be contributing to the problem.
Mon, 05/19/2014 - 02:21
I installed Classic Theme Restorer for testing... and I don't see any anomaly.
However... I have not set any CTR 'Options' yet... can you screen capture your CTR Options settings and post here?
My toolbars do not look anything like what you've posted in pix.
When you say the main toolbar is messed up... well, the only difference in your pix that I see is that the icons are missing... that's the only 'mess up'.
To nitpick, I suggest that the Master Password prompt is a Firefox prompt, but I expect it is triggered by X-Notifier's use of Firefox'x password management features.
If you can post your CTR settings, I can duplicate and see what happens.
Mon, 05/19/2014 - 03:19
Thanks for trying to
Thanks for trying to reproduce!
My toolbars do not look anything like what you've posted in pix.
There is a theme involved (Firefox 2, the theme, reloaded 1.0.7) , and your comment made me try something. If I go back to the default theme, the problem appears to go away. So there may be a 3-way conflict here. I am OK with either disabling the theme or waiting to see if updates in the near future to the theme or to Classic Theme Restorer change things. I would rather disable the theme than disable X-notifier!
Since you asked, here are the CTR Options I am using, but given the above you may not care anymore:
Mon, 05/19/2014 - 07:05
The more you go retro (Firefox 2 ?), the less chance of compatibility with newer addons, I'd say...
However, you also might try upgrading your CTR ...because the Options I had, showed more features than your screenshot... and it would have been the latest one, that I downloaded. Plus there was no warning about third party themes, in the latest version... (since the author seems to caution against using themes other than the default, the older version may have more incompatibility with other/third party themes).
I would advise trying to find a more compatible theme... so I'll leave it at that.
Mon, 05/19/2014 - 07:49
Hi, just a little more info
Hi, just a little more info in case anybody else hits this problem.
Working with CTR, they asked if I could reproduce on a clean profile, because the combination of X-Notifier, CTR, and the theme I used did NOT reproduce the problem for them. Installing on a clean profile, it didn't for me either, until I installed HttpFox, when the problem cropped back up. That was great news for me, because now I can use the theme I want, with CTR, and with X-Notifier, as long as I disable HttpFox. There must be something between these 3 extensions and 1 theme that conflict, but since HttpFox is not used often, I will leave it disabled and not worry about it.
Maybe this will help somebody else. Thanks for your replies!