Gmail Application-specific password authentification failed


I'm a new user of Notifier-X and i'm testing the last version 3.3.8 on Win7 Pro with Chrome and FireFox 24

No problem with Yahoo and gmail classic authentification.

But it doesnt work with application-specific password authentification (for an account with two pass-authentification) where you can use an unique password for an application.

(to know about gmail application-specific password:

There is always on this account "doesn't check" message.

Is it a recent problem with gmail login ?

Best regards




tobwithu's picture

You should use normal gmail password instead of application-specific password.

mb93's picture

Ok. Thank you for quick anwser. With the real password, the authentification code is asked and the two-pass validation works.

It's a little bit minor point that the application-specific password authentification doesn't work because it's avoid to stock the real password in third party application even if the authentification is asked. I suppose that X-notifier login method can not manage yet this case.

 But Xnotifier does the job. Thank you

Best regards
