Yahoo! Mail Chat folder problem

Today a chat folder appeared in the information scanned by xnotifier. This folder does not appear on the user interface of Yahoo! Mail. I've patched the code in order to avoid erroneous notifications.

--- components/scripts/yahoo.js.bak 2013-07-14 11:04:36.046875000 +0300
+++ components/scripts/yahoo.js 2013-07-14 11:00:35.531250000 +0300
@@ -179,6 +179,7 @@
var re=/"fid":"(.+?)".+?"name":"(.+?)".+?"unread":(\d+)/g;
var o;
while ((o = re.exec(fnd[1])) != null){
+ if(o[1]=="%40C%40Chats")continue;

tobwithu's picture

It was removed in X-notifier 3.3.3