script version 2016-04-10 needs update

Since today (2016.08.22) my script (version 2016-04-10) running on Chrome does not work anymore. It can not connect the gmx mail server and it shows red. Thank you in advance for the update.

not only gmx. net isn´t working / gmx. de needs an update, too.

Thx a lot for spending your time to help.

It´s the same for Firefox, too

tobwithu's picture

This time I´m going to donate

Thank you .....

Hello again,
there´s a litte thing different in the new script....

before the old script opened the folder "unreaded"

now it´s the folder "friends & known"

Is it difficult to fix these?

It´s because now I only can see how many new Mails are in the folder "friends & known"
before it was possible to see how many new mails are in all different folders....

Thanks if you can fix this, too.

It's better if you don't post the same question in multiple locations.
I posted a suggestion to your other post.