script does not work

Hello @all..

the script GMX
(without navigator)

works not in Firefox 39 - 42.

Please help, and sorry for my english.


All gmx scripts have not been working for a good few days now :(   (Firefox 39)

A fix would be greatly appreciated

Many Thanks

tobwithu's picture

Does not work for me. Replace the script, but does not work. The date inside the "new" script ist set to 2015-03-26...

tobwithu's picture

There was a mistake while uploading.

Please download again.

Thanks for feedback, but same problem and date with/in new sript

jeroen's picture

@tobwithu: You fixed GMX (without navigator).
I guess cyc is using GMX (with navigator), which still is dated 2015-03-26.

jeroen's picture

GMX with navigator works fine with the developer's test accounts.

So now my question @cyc is:
Which one of the 2 scripts are you using?

I´ve used the script with navigator (don´t know the difference between with or without).

Changed to the new script and now it works. I´ve downloaded the script after it was declared as new and after a new upload by tobwithu i had to refresh my browser (my mistake).

jeroen's picture

So when I understand correctly you now use the updated script without navigator.

I don't have a gmx account, so I don't know exactly what the pages look like. But the difference is you will see a different page when you click the X-notifier icon or your gmx account in the X-notifier menu. With navigator you saw a page with an extra navigation part (perhaps on the left side), where you can click (navigate) to other user parts (other than mail) of your gmx account. Without navigator you probably only see the mail folders or perhaps even only the inbox folder. But I am guessing again... ;-)

Yes, you are right, i am using now the script without navigator.

I am guessing too ;-) But in the main thing, the new script works fine and i´m able to check my mails. Only one little thing since update, x-notifier notify a new script for with navigator... don´t know why?!?

If you were using GMX -with- navigator (but switched to 'without navigator'), you would still have that old -with- navigator script loaded into X-Notifier.   X-Notifier has a Script Updates checker...  so if you had downloaded the GMX -with- navigator script, it wouldn't be alerting you to the update... but apparently you grabbed the script for GMX without navigator... which did -not- replace the "with navigator" version of script.  You can update and use bother versions separately, or download the update and switch back to that,  or delete the -old- "with navigator" version.

Thanks for the information, but does not work for me.

Tried both

1. install in addition the script with navigator... Result: XN-Scripts report a new script (with Navigator)

2. delete both scripts, restart FF, install the script without Navigator.. Result: XN-Scripts report a new script (with Navigator)


I´m a little bit confused...

tobwithu's picture

There was a bug in script update checker.

I updated the date of gmx(with navigator).

Thank you very much!

Now everything works fine

Andreas's picture

Thank You @tobwithu



It works perfectly.