specific label for gmail
When opening Gmail from XNotifier would it be possible to fo straight to : "#label/unread" instead of inbox?
In Inbox I might have emails that are randomly read, but I would see just the unread ones.
function getViewURL(aFolder)
return this.viewURL ;
return this.viewURL + "#label/unread";
annd works fine but it would be nice to be something official.
Sun, 04/12/2015 - 18:21
Atten: Tobwithu
Dear Tobwithu,
I give you some idea regard above post...
To X-notifier User...
This is NOT real, JUST example...
I would like for Tobwithu to create new program for future version to become REAL!
Maybe 6 months to ONE year to become "Realilty".
Type 'about:config' in the location bar.
Look your account for example
1) extensions.xnotifier.accounts.[Domain#user.name].enabled
2) [Right-click] Copy Name
3) [Right-click] New -> String
4) [Right-click] => [Paste] and replace 'enabled' with 'specifyFolder'
5) [Click] OK
6) Enter string value [#label/folder]
("label/folder" as example you need to type to match your Gmail/Hotmail/Yahoo/AOL's Label/folder.)
X-notifier user can create
Label/Filter Rules in Gmail
Manage Rule for Hotmail
Mail Setting=>Filter and Alert for AOL
to specify folder and X-notifier direct to right folder/label.
IF you want to remove it or "Forget it" (undo):
1) [Right-click] Reset
2) Restart Firefox (this will remove your 'about:config' line)
Enjoy your specify folder with your Gmail/Hotmail/Yahoo/AOL account(s) !
That big if you (Tobwithu) already create "default folder" for
So X-notifer user can change from inbox to their choose label/folder name.
I do recall that X-notifier User request you (Tobwithu) to change to right path.
So in future, they can do for themself,
so you (Tobwithu) will do only path to default (inbox) folder/label in Scripts.
Thanks for reading and hopefully improve in future,
again THANKS,
To Tobwithu,
Please reply in private email,
if this my suggest "not possbile" due to complex scripts,
I will remove this post, or you can post here "not possible".