X-Notifier was made for individuals to check their own accounts... not for mass maintenance of marketing schemes, or attempting to appear to be watching a massive amount of advertising that you're not really watching, just making it look like it, by doing 50 ad schemes a day. X-Notifier was not made to assist being paid to watch advertisments on the internet, or for multi-level-marketing schemes (getting down-level users to watch ads too... and getting a piece of their revenue) .
This kind of mass email scheme is blocked on various providers, like Yahoo (according to one autoregger/Paid4 tutorial), but apparently Gmail isn't as particular... yet. Seems like this scheme originated or is most popular in Germany... "Paid4". Seems like a form of 'voluntary spam'... probably related/affiliated with spammers too, I wouldn't doubt.
I don't think the author of X-Notifier is going to be very supportive of your request to bulk enter a mass of emails to appear to be watching a massive amount of advertising and getting paid for that.
Tue, 05/20/2014 - 05:03
Explain in details in other forum
Tue, 05/20/2014 - 05:31
link that you provided is
link that you provided is only good from export/import from already existing .xn file.
but i need to import bulk accounts in format login;pass
Tue, 05/20/2014 - 05:58
Did you see Firefox.xn data?
not easy as you think...
4 or 5 info on each email.
no password shown here, except at bottom page with 'password in encrypted'
None of my business...
Let said for one year, 50 X 365 = 18,250 email address in total for one year.
50 per day?... to collect people's email and invade their account? (That what looks alike to me.)
I know X-notifier will works on 18,250 email,
but you need to manually 50 email per day to invade and steal people's accounts.
Tue, 05/20/2014 - 06:35
you stupid, im not stealing
you stupid, im not stealing anything, im getting it from autoregger software, for signin up. And of courser i deleting this 50 before adding next part
Tue, 05/20/2014 - 07:45
Yes I am STUPID, because can NOT read Germany.
Can you elaborate a little bit about "autoregger" what function and purpose?
Again, Thank you for call me "STUPID", CFBancroft
Tue, 05/20/2014 - 07:55
It would be good if you explained a bit more.
X-Notifier was made for individuals to check their own accounts... not for mass maintenance of marketing schemes, or attempting to appear to be watching a massive amount of advertising that you're not really watching, just making it look like it, by doing 50 ad schemes a day. X-Notifier was not made to assist being paid to watch advertisments on the internet, or for multi-level-marketing schemes (getting down-level users to watch ads too... and getting a piece of their revenue) .
This kind of mass email scheme is blocked on various providers, like Yahoo (according to one autoregger/Paid4 tutorial), but apparently Gmail isn't as particular... yet. Seems like this scheme originated or is most popular in Germany... "Paid4". Seems like a form of 'voluntary spam'... probably related/affiliated with spammers too, I wouldn't doubt.
I don't think the author of X-Notifier is going to be very supportive of your request to bulk enter a mass of emails to appear to be watching a massive amount of advertising and getting paid for that.