Yahoo Mail
Hi, I already posted about a problem with my x-notifier no longer working with mail and didn't get a response.. I have tried many times using correct yahoo I D and password and can get into yahoo mail but NOT through x-notifier. I have used this extension for years with very few problems but I notice that the web address through the extension,for whatever reason,appears to be going via yahoo mobile and I have to change it to desktop version. Has anyone else seen this and solved it, Thanks.
Thu, 05/15/2014 - 00:31
Are you using the POP3 script to access Yahoo? and entered a "Link" (which goes to mobile page)?
I don't remember exactly if there is an about:config key for X-Notifier that can be edited to force a URL.. ?
My FF/X-Notifier opens a tab to ;)
Any other reason for software to think your PC is a phone?
What if you clear cache and cookies?
How about if you export your accounts... uninstall X-Notifier, restart browser, reinstall X-Notifier, (define Yahoo account from scratch first to see if it works, then import accounts)?
Thu, 05/15/2014 - 15:53
Hi RpD, Thanks for
Hi RpD, Thanks for responding. I am using no yahoo script at all. As to why my PC might be seen as a phone,I have no idea !
I've cleared cache and cookies umpeen times,reinstalled x-notifier 3 times all without the desired result.
As I said,I have used x-notifier for a long time and am familiar with it. When I enter correct Yahoo ID and password in options, then close the options window ,The Yahoo icon appears with my other the small x-notifier window, but even though the "Y" icon is there, the word Yahoo is slightly greyed out. When I click on this, a Yahoo sign in page opens with the words desktop version at the bottom. If I enter my ID and password here it opens the Yahoo page with my name and I then have to click on mail icon to go into Yahoo mail. The page x-notifier is opening here is at
If ,instead of entering my ID and password on this initial page,I click on desktop version,I am directed to which is where I think x-notifier should be opening into UK Yahoo mail. If I enter ID and password on this particular page,I am straight into Yahoo mail.
I previously saw on the Mozilla add on site forum in reviews for x-notifier some guy had the exact same problem as me. I then posted there too but for some reason both the either guy and my own posts disappeared up the "Khyber" and are no longer there. So it really is a puzzle. I can not of course be certain that the problem is not local to my machine but at least I can still get into my Yahoo mail though unfortunately not through x-notifier, Thanks again for your reply, RpD, I appreciate it, weg43.
Fri, 05/16/2014 - 01:28
Well, when you say 'using no yahoo script at all', I'll have to assume that means you're using the embedded default Yahoo (script) that comes with X-Notifier (there are a few scripts for the major providers, like Yahoo, Google, Hotmail... that come already embedded with X-Notifier). And my suggestion to clear cache/cookies, uninstall X-Notifier, restart browser, re-install X-Notifier, and then... define a Yahoo account from scratch was to make sure, with those exact steps, that any old user data is clear before attempting a fixed install... and 'from scratch' to avoid importing corrupted settings.
- I've had account problems, where this procedure has cleared things up.
The next troubleshooting option is to define a completely new user profile with firefox profile manager, and install X-Notifier in the new profile, and add the Yahoo account (from scratch), and see if it still has the problem. This is to help verify whether or not your existing user profile may have a bug or corruption. If it works in a new profile... then either you use the new profile or continue troubleshooting your existing one. If it doesn't work in a new profile, you could try uninstalling firefox perhaps, cleaning it out well.
You could also try disabling all other Firefox add-ons, restart browser, and try X-Notifier again.
Just making troubleshooting suggestions.
My guesstimate is that either your X-Notifier settings are corrupted somehow, or something else is forcing the mobile site.
Any chance there is an account setting at Yahoo that says to use mobile login?? Do you use a Yahoo-specific mobile app on smartphone/tablet (that may have forced Yahoo mobile setting)?
Lastly... you may want to make sure that you have never set an about:config setting to force the mobile site, as in the following FAQ/guide... ...if you can check your firefox about:config for that key (extensions.xnotifier.accounts.[HOST#YOUR_ID].link), to make sure it's not existing/pointed to a mobile address, that would be good.
I know it gets old do these things over and over, but that's how I've solved some software problems... just simple perseverance.
Fri, 05/16/2014 - 06:37
Woe is Me!
Hi RpD, Yes you are correct in only the default X-N script is in use.
I disabled all Add-Ons excepting x-notifier and the original problem remains.
I set up new firefox profile,installed ONLY x-notifier,set up Yahoo mail in it and still have the same problem; so, you'll forgive my ignorance when you say," define a Yahoo account from scratch."
I am not entirely sure what you mean by this. I wonder if you could kindly enlighten me?
I thank you again for your time and trouble
Fri, 05/16/2014 - 06:58
"from scratch" meaning...
You remove Yahoo account from X-notifier,
Reboot Firefox/Chrome/Safari/Opera/ETC.
Retype your Yahoo account again...
Reboot Firefox/Chrome/Safari/Opera/ETC.
I hope it works.
Fri, 05/16/2014 - 07:35
Woes Remain !
Thanks for your explanation CFBancroft. I followed the instructions but sadly the problem persists. Not far from midnight here in UK so for me it's time "to hit the hay." Perhaps I'll have sweet dreams with the answer to this perplexing problem, Thanks again.
Fri, 05/16/2014 - 11:10
As CFBancroft explained. I just meant to make sure you recreated the account by typing in the info and not by 'importing' data you may have 'exported' from X-N Options.
I would still go to Firefox address bar and type: about:config ...and then type: notifier the Search bar of about:config, and then review all the keys for your Yahoo account and make sure -no- .link key is set to the mobile address.
Something somewhere is telling X-Notifier to go to the mobile site.
Fri, 05/16/2014 - 18:28
Hi RpD, I've checked out about;config in the way you recommended and scrutinized the rest till my eyeballs are spinning and comparing settings for Yahoo with Gmail,AOL etc., there seems to me to be no difference and nothing redirecting to mobile instead of desktop. As I said previously,I did note someone else with exact same problem,but no answer so far. By this stage, if I had a gas oven,my head would be in it !!! I think I'll just have to be content with getting into Yahoo mail,"longhand" so to speak. I thank you RpD and CFBancroft for your efforts but I think I'll now pass and if in the future,I find the answer,I will post the solution on this forum. Thanks again to you both, weg43.
Sat, 05/17/2014 - 09:25
Yahoo Problems
I was having the same problems and got tired of trying to reconfiger and reset everything. So, I switch to X-notifier lite. Works like a dream
Sat, 05/17/2014 - 14:53
Thanks for the info and I'll give this a try over the weekend and post the result back. It's in a sense, good to see one more person,making it three so far that I have seen,with the same problem. I'lll check out the lite version;I never even thought of that, Thanks, TTownlittlebear.
Sat, 05/17/2014 - 15:31
Back to the Drawing Board
Just tried X-N Lite version and sent myself a couple of emails to check out Yahoo UK,I'm afraid without success. So for me,for whatever reason,the Lite version has the same problem as the full version. I didn't bother checking out any other email clients with theLite version after the failure of Yahoo UK mail. Thanks anyway, TTownlittlebear. Now where's that gas oven !!!
Sat, 05/17/2014 - 17:17
Try POP3 access??
Well... perhaps one last resort, if you want, you could set up Yahoo access from X-Notifier via the POP3 script... you'd have to enter a Link in the POP3 account definition "Link" box, so that you could click the X-N icon (showing new Yahoo email count) to open a tab to the Yahoo webmail login page ( (You don't have to delete your other Yahoo scripted account in X-Notifier.)
Test it out...
I was doing this through a different email client, by setting my Yahoo area/location/preferred content to Yahoo! Asia instead of Yahoo! US (because Yahoo didn't offer POP3 access from US)... but later I found that I could access Yahoo via POP3 even if my area/location was reset to US (so I guess they changed and allowed it). So perhaps try POP3... maybe UK is allowed too.
Anyway... the POP3 settings are here:
Sat, 05/17/2014 - 17:41
Yahoo POP3 issue.
FYI: (Japan NOT working)
and (USA work fine)
RpD: goof, my mistake stmp... should be pop, thanks for correct me.
Sat, 05/17/2014 - 23:37
Well... remember that smtp is an OUTgoing mail protocol/server.
Yahoo's incoming mail server (for the US) is
And... it works fine for me; actually POP3 works faster for finding new emails than the embedded Yahoo script.
Available online info suggests Yahoo Japan POP3 settings...
INcoming: 110 using SSL, Authentication by Password
OUTgoing: 587 using SSL, Authentication by Password
Sat, 05/17/2014 - 17:41
RpD, I've just read your post and clicking on your link ( which,as usual,takes me not to yahoo PC mail but to the usual mobile login site where I have to click "desktop version" to access the correct site. It really is a puzzler! As an aside,Yahoo keeps nagging me to set up a profile which I prefer not to do. Could Yahoo be deliberately redirecting ???
I have some things to do today; 50 laps round the stores with the Mrs., so I'll check out your suggestions over the weekend and post back with results,if any, Thanks again for your assistance.
Sat, 05/17/2014 - 20:36
Yahoo Problems
I think yahoo has changed something this past weekend. At work, they just "upgraded" IE to v8. Because of that fact, this past week I started getting a message that yahoo won't support IE 8 after the 5th of June. I also getting message that the website isn't verified any longer
Sat, 05/17/2014 - 23:57
Again... odd!
[EDIT!: I see Tobwithu is offering a beta update, below, for your problem/testing.]
Well, my intuition has been suggesting your redirection is external to X-Notifier and perhaps via Yahoo, but just guessing.
Using US addresses I assume, I get a regular desktop login when I click on
The mobile login address is either ...or...
Would it matter if you click ??? (note that's http and not https)
(My browsers auto-redirect me to secure page anyway.)
I see there is some (6 year old) information online indicating different addressing for the UK...
POP3 UK settings...
* Incoming mail server (POP3):
Use SSL, port: 995
* Outgoing mail server (SMTP):
Use SSL, port: 465.
And a UK (and Ireland) webmail login page is at... ...(for the POP3 script "Link" address)
(Note that using the POP3 script's 'Link' option does not auto-login for you... as you can only get a URL address for the login page, not directly into your inbox.)
And where I got those 6 year old addresses, they suggested having to have a 'plus' (premium) account to use POP3.
I think Yahoo has become 'enlightened' since then and allows free POP3 access now... works for me in the US anyway.
Sun, 05/18/2014 - 00:00
Please test if this version
Please test if this version works.
Sun, 05/18/2014 - 09:59
Eureka !!! Solved.
Copy of my post on other Yahoo thread.
"Hi, you have maybe seen the thread I initiated under Yahoo Mail where various people have been trying to solve my and a couple of others problems with Yahoo Mail without success. I just spotted this new thread with Yahoo problems and have tested version 3.4.1b2 and can confirm that my problen is ,thankfully,solved and Yahoo mail is working correctly now, Thanks, and Donation,follows, weg43"
Thanks also RpD,CFBancroft and TTownlittlebear for your time,interest and persistance. Regards to all and to tobwithu for such a superd Add On.
Sat, 05/24/2014 - 22:03
i am having a simalare ussue
i am having a simalare ussue it was working fine untill 2 days ago now it refuses to show if yahoo has mail for me or not
Sun, 05/25/2014 - 03:49
delete, recreate
Have you tried clicking the account in X-Notifier pop-up list? (right-click the envelope icon).
Have you tried deleting your account, restarting browser and redefining account?