Xnotifier bookmark
Why when I right click on a page to save it in bookmarks does there appear the option to bookmark this page (XNotifier)? I have deleted the XNotifier bookmark which appears under general bookmarks but it always reappears. How can I permanetly remove this feature which I never use nor want to use.
Fri, 04/25/2014 - 09:26
There is a FAQ for it... http://xnotifier.tobwithu.com/dp/node/8
In Firefox, type 'about:config' in location bar to change this option...
toggle X-notifier bookmark menu
Once about:config is open, you can type: bookmark ...in the Search bar
... then double-click on "extensions.xnotifier.showBookmarkMenu" to toggle the state from 'true' to 'false'
...and restart Firefox.