X-notifier will not support Gmail any more (X-notifer Neo will)
Recently Gmail updated their login page.
It is more complicated than the previous page.
I could not find a way to simulate user login in X-notifier.
(Maybe it is what google wants)
In future update of X-notifier, Gmail script will be dropped.
If you need Gmail notification, try to use X-notifier Neo.
Firefox : https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/xnotifier-neo/
Chrome : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/x-notifier/pheccebhjjlenlidbnd...
--- Added in 2017-05-04 -------------------------------
I found a way to bypass Gmail's new login page.
It is applied in X-notifier 4.0.3.
However, I still recommend to use X-notifier Neo instead of X-notifier.
--- Added in 2019-06-11 -------------------------------
Gmail login is not possible again.