Firefox 56 it will be LAST support XN 3.5.23 to XN 3.9.99 (for example)
You will have FULL one year before you switch to
Thunderbird/SeaMonkey/Palemoon ... That if Tobwithu will continue version 3.5.23 to 3.9.99 (for example).
Sat, 12/17/2016 - 09:43
Please keep 3.x version development for Linux users
Dear Mr. Byungwook Kang (tobwithu),
First of all, Namaste!
Thank you, again, for your permanent effort do make Xnotifier better for all.
I have been using your excellent scripts with FF on Linux, for many years now (also have sent donations to you and asked my friend to do so too), with my many yahoo, google, hotmail and other e-mails.
The version that I am still using is the 3.5.23 (I had to downgrade)
I have downgraded because the new version uses a new system which brook my privacy strategy. Since I have many yahoo account, and also many gmail accounts (the new version connects all of them (does not log-off after checking for mail) this makes it insecure for my needs.
Please understand that I have been using different e-mail for different purposes (which have avoided hacks to my mail accounts). I have a email for airline registrations; one for on-line stores I buy frequently; one for user groups; one for blogs; and so on.
So, I do not want to be connected "on-line" all the time, but just when I need to check mail. Also I am a Linux user, so I find the prior version with scripts much better to manage and to fine tune them when necessary.
Please consider do continue to update the 3.5 version.
Best regards,
John (senior Linux and Xnotifier enthusiast and loyal user)