Hi x-notifier community!


This is a bit off topic (not FF related), but I wanted to know which email mobile app you use to best manage your emails?

Using x-notifier on FF really saves time, then all you need to do is click on the x-notifier updates and you land on the online email service, which is great. But unless proven wrong, x-notifier is not available in a mobile way (iOS, Android)

I recently stumbled upon CLOUDMAGIC. It is not a replacement of x-notifier, but a good complement. It offers iOS and Android apps. Like x-notifier, you have to register your email accounts (gmail,, yahoo etc) and you can manage all your emails in 1 single interface.

The killer feature of CLOUDMAGIC is that you can run a search query on ALL your emails, across ALL your email accounts. I guess that to achieve that, CLOUDMAGIC king of stores a copy of all your emails on their servers, so you are giving up a bit of your privacy, but that's OK for me. The only limitation is that a maximum of 3 accounts can be registered.


I know that there are many email services available, like Evomail. But I could not find one as compelling as CLOUDMAGIC.


What about you? Do you use a mobile email service ? Or stick to x-notifier and use each email provider's portal to check on your emails?





I use my android email apps on my android products, it's only a stopgap to review when mobile anyway.

You say CloudMagic is not a replacement, but seems like it could be... they have two products, a web-based search and an email client.
CloudMagic doesn't explicitly say it stores copies of your email, it does mention indexing on their servers. If you use it for your mobile email app, it's going to be checking/accessing  your email, obviously... more than a 'bit' of privacy.

Glad it works for you, but it seems inappropriate to me to discuss it in X-N's forums.
Or to conduct a user survey about this tangentially related product.
Just my feeling though, so... whatever.

CFBancroft's picture

You (ppwr) "asked" me what do I think?

I have about 20 email... with X-notiifer.

About 5 email I REFUSE put on ipad with IMAP, because all communicate very imporant related to credit card and bank.

What if stole or lost my iPad, I will NOT worry about it.

I already suggest to Tobwithu about X-notifier on iPad, just check if any new email, but can NOT open email. (just number count 'unread' ) If I see iPad any new email... I must walk to my Macintosh at my home, to open my imporant email.

So that way to protect my pravicy email.

I agree with RpD said "obviously... more than a 'bit' of privacy."