How do I change the colour?

I have altered a system colour which has made the number of emails for the mail accounts become unreadable and I want to make it readable again. I would like to know which colour affects it.

Take a look at this link to see what I mean. It's the numbers on right. The email addresses have been removed.



CFBancroft's picture


How to set Alert Text Style, that I explain how to do it.

That if I understood you, that what you want...
If I do not understood you, please come back and explain more...

Thanks, CFBancroft


What system? Mac, Windows....  Firefox options?

I don't think the alert color customization is going to affect the pop-up account list new email count numbers... (as in his attached jpg).

I'm assuming the Windows Desktop 'appearance' was changed... where you can set things like scroll bar color, active titlebar color, tooltip background, etc... for -all- programs.  And that several Windows system color settings were changed so that it's hard to figure out which one affects those mail count numbers, without tedious trial and error... because it takes a few moments to change one color setting and then have Windows apply/redraw the screen, open the X-Notifier list, etc.
However... sometimes it just takes trial and error to find the solution... (if Tobwithu doesn't easily know which Windows property affects the count numbers. So it's probably up to the Windows user rather than the programmer of a Firefox add-on, to isolate the specific Windows appearance color control).