Fastmail script Needs Update

As of mid jully 2016 thew Fastmail script for either .com or .fm account no longer work. Script needs an update. Thanks

Another vote for FastMail script update - used it for a long time, rely on it, sad that it stopped working :(

zenmaster's picture

Right after the recent update, new mail notifications stopped for  Been using for a few years now.  Thanks in advance.

zenmaster's picture

Forgot to add that it only stopped working Firefox and Palemoon Browsers latest versions of both.

Have any of you provided a test account for the developer to use to update the script?

Send username and password of test account to

I can probably provide a test account - I can go and register for a free trial... But I'd like a confirmation from developer, that he really need that.

If developer is not a member of Comcast (and if he hasn't saved anyone's previous test account info)... then he'll need it.

zenmaster's picture

No I did not.  But I did send xndevel a copy of the log created right after the "Fastmail not checked" msg action.  No reply yet.

You can also set up a new user profile in your browser, sign into the new profile, add X-Notifier and define the problem account, then see if it works... to check if maybe there's a corruption in your current user setup.

The issue is that Fastmail changed the location of login page - hence script needs to be updated...

Can still be checked via IMAP, though.

 Sent test account info to

tobwithu's picture