red x fixed still can't log in on pc

I found that the enable button was The issue


I still can not log in or reset from the desktop....



Well, besides not spamming the forum, could you provide more detail?

"Cannot send email" does not sound like an X-Notifier problem.

What/HOW are you trying to "log in"... to what?  And what are you trying to reset?

 (Good that you found the 'Enable' option.)

I was not spamming but looking for help. Sorry I am not as savvy as you and it posted more than once in a panic.

If you read my post the information was there:

I can log in on my tablet. I have new computer and I am unable to log into the forums. I cannot reset the password.  I get the following message: unable to send email. Contact the site administrator if the problem persists.  Can anyone help. Again all of a sudden my icon has a red x is it connected????

It said contact the site administrator which I ws attempting to do. But alas I got help elsewhere and it is fine now.

(I'm just another X-Notifier user, by the way.)

I realize one of the four posts was an update, but anyway...  you say it is fine now, I assume you just mean the red x part.

I have to say that if you can login to the forum with your tablet, that there's nothing wrong with your forum account.  Instead there's something wrong with the X-Notifier installation on  your PC.  You really should UNinstall X-Notifier, restart your browser, and then re-install X-Notifier... or...
....... have you forgotten your password?  Is that why you're trying to reset?  What browser are you using on your tablet? may be able to recover password there, looking at saved passwords.

I have tried setting up a new account and also requesting a new password and I do see the message you are getting... The site support email is

I am going to email and let the developer know what I found. Perhaps  he can reply here when/if it's fixed.  He doesn't write the forum software.

The developer responded and said he could create a new account and reset password and asked if I would try again...

...I did and it works now.  I can both create a new account and reset a password, so try resetting  yours now, if necessary.