unable to log in or reset password

I can log in on my tablet. I have new computer and I am unable to log into the forums. I cannot reset the password.  I get the following message: unable to send email. Contact the site administrator if the problem persists.  Can anyone help. Again all of a sudden my icon has a red x is it connected????

I've had the same problem for a few weeks now too. Just try requesting a new password at a later time or perhaps tomorrow. You should eventually get to the point where a new password will be forwarded to you.

I use lastpass as my password manager but there's no point asking it to remember a password for this forum as It needs a new one every day for some reason.

jeroen's picture

I am experiencing a similar problem with my XN forum account as of today. But I can request a new password. This means you get an email from the xn server with a link that logs you in one time and allows you to create (change) your new password.

But after logging out I cannot use (login with) the new password.

My temporary "solution" is to stay logged in with the email link...
Perhaps I should try again after clearing cookies (and reinstall to be sure).



Hello again Jeroen,

I had exactly the same problem and solution as you described above,

but since today (evening) I can login in a normal way by just klicking

on links to login (password-manager) and confirm.
