new webmail

Hello! webmail is going to have a revamped web interface, but not all at once, instead gradually.

So, in the meantime, some accounts have still the old web interface, others the new.

I have many account on and some have stopped working in X-Notifier due to this transition.

It is possible to have a new script with the capability to recognize the old and the new web interface?

Thanks a lot for this powerful and useful add-on!

Gianni, Italy

Just like requirements for creating a new, original script for new email providers... creating updates for new changes may also require the X-Notifier developer to have a 'test account' (username and password), in order to do the update.  Don't post that account info here, but send it to ...along with the info above that you already posted.

Gianni1962's picture

Credentials for two test accounts sent to

Ruskie's picture

How is this conversion going? It seems quite heavy (at least: to the eye) the change that libero has done, I don't know if it is much easy to create a new script in a few days...


Gianni1962's picture

Looks like the transition to the new webmail is completed, all my acccounts have the new webmail interface.

But tobewithu is probably on vacation ... :-)

Gianni1962's picture

Thanks to tobwithu,

the new script is ready to download and install in X-Notifier!