Ovi mail support.

I use https://mail.ovi.com email which uses yahoo mail as back end. Previously i was able to use xnotifier yahoo mail script to login to this email but now it is not working please fix this

tobwithu's picture

I need a test account to fix it.


tobwithu's picture

You can use it with current yahoo script.

Enter username as 'your_id@ovi.com'

kolpotoru's picture

It is not able to login. x-notifiire only takes the name not full id. For example when i enter "my_id@ovi.com" x-notifiire only adds the my_id.

Just for information...

I have tested entering full address in X-Notifier Yahoo account definition in both Firefox and Chrome versions of X-Notifier... they both seem to accept the full address (as shown by picture link below).   Or do you mean the login fails from using only my_id part to login, even though X-Notifier shows full address??


kolpotoru's picture

Yes the yahoo script accepts the full address but it is not able to login.

And the Ovi Script dose not accept the full address and it is also not able to login.

I am using xnotifier3.3.2 in firefox 3

tobwithu's picture
kolpotoru's picture

Where is the log file stored?

Using the "Log" function of X-Notifier troubleshooting....
...you need to first 'enable' logging (and the 'Log' command on the pop-up menu).

For Firefox/Sea Monkey/Thunderbird...
If you 'right-click' the X-Notifier envelope icon, the X-Notifier 'pop-up- menu is displayed.

In Chrome/Opera/Safari, if you (left) click the X-Notifier envelope icon, the X-Notifier 'pop-up' menu is displayed.

Then, you must hold the 'Shift' key, and click "Help" on the pop-up menu, and...
...the menu will go away, and X-Notifier logging is now enabled for X-Notifier activities...
...(and also, the "Log" command will now display on the pop-up menu, that is actually the 'Save log' command.)

So, first you enable logging, by holding Shift + clicking 'Help' on X-Notifier pop-up menu.
Then... you perform activities that need troubleshooting.

Lastly, you go back to the X-Notifier pop-up menu, and click the newly displayed "Log" command...
...which will pop up another window for you to save the log file wherever you choose...
...so you can send it to:  xndevel at gmail.com   ...for developer review and assistance with the problem.


tobwithu's picture

Click ‘Log’ will save log file.