Stop Animations, when server is down.

I know for some reason AOL is down.

I want to click some how such as right button with special key to STOP checking on AOL account, until I click again?

In past I have same problem that server is down, but NO animations. (no bother me.)
Right now it keep circle, circle, and circle cause bother me,
that why I ask you to add feature to click stop animations.

If you do not have that kind of feature, can you add feature in future version?

Thanks, CFBancroft


CFBancroft's picture

Please RE-download again with XN 332,
because Tobwithu did update again on same version number XN 332.

I did send private email that have problem with MAC with XN332,
I am not sure about window side.

Tobwithu send me test XN332, I told him that problem sloved.
Tobwithu udpate on the SAME version number XN 332,
Please RE-download XN332, if you are MAC user.
Again, I am not sure about window side, that need to RE-download.

This version XN 332 to fix on

- limit checking animation time
- modified checking animation display

That I suggest about AOL, see above post,
Thanks, CFBancroft