Google 2-step verification


I'm using v3.1.4 (the latest)

Everything worked fine (mutliple Gmail accounts, only asking for the code once). Then I changed the password, and my primary account keeps asking for a code every minute (i.e. doesn't "trust" the computer)

After entering the code, it asks again, then it doesn't check (Gmail is red). The problem is present regardless of the other Gmail accounts (disabled or enabled). They work, but the primary with 2-step verification doesn't.

tobwithu's picture

  1. Type 'about:config' in the location bar.
  2. Find 'extensions.xnotifier.accounts.[].cookie'.
  3. Right click it and 'Reset' it.
  4. Clear cookies
  5. Restart Firefox.



That seems like the trick.

BTW, is the X-notifier (the new one) still using WebmailNotifier entries in about:config?

I found some relating to wm-notifier.*somthing*, and one of them says wm-notifier.version = 1.5.5. I guess old remenants (I backup full profiles & restore, basically the same profile for some years now)?

tobwithu's picture

You can delete 'wm-notifier.*' entries.
They are old remenants, as you said.

Thanks =)

The issue seems to be completely resolved. And I've deleted the old entries.

You should build a Wiki or a KB for these common problems, that will save you time

See this forum?

New posts may develop ;)...

guyver's picture

I've tried the above on two of my compters and neither has a "cookies" entry to reset for my Gmail account.  My Yahoo account has it, but I'm not having a problem with that and their two-factor authentication.

Did something change?  I've turned off checking until I can get this sorted out.  I hope it's something quick.

tobwithu's picture

If you don't have 'cookies' entry, latest version of  X-notifier will work correctly.