Need Information

I have updated to the lates version of firefox 26 and have X-notifier 3.3.9 i realized after restarting firefox of my computer it will loose all my email preference stored and i will have to keep importing back my preference that i have exported, is ths a bug or an issue that can be resolved easily?



joedeye1's picture

I am about to uninstall all the 13-BEST Mozilla add-ons! Nothing but trouble w/them!!!

And what is your point?  What are the "13-Best"?

joedeye1's picture

They've not worked as described and I even donated to the developers who are credited w/creating them. I'm no techie, but I certainly would like to take advantage the claims of each.

So... are you trying to say that X-Notifier is one of the "13-BEST" ??

Are you having the same trouble as turmoilone described??
(Posting a different problem to an existing thread is called 'hijacking'... just FYI.)
If not, then you should make a separate post and describe the problem you're having with X-Notifier.

Not all add-ons are compatible with each other.


joedeye1's picture

I am having to enter code e.t. I log into my g-mail acct.

I don't know if the 2 are even related.

Now that you've finally explained yourself (having to enter code everytime you login to gmail)... you might find the following posts more relevant to your problem... rather than hijacking turmoilone's problem.  See the following...



Maybe try clearing cache/cookies, uninstalling X-Notifier and re-installing it... since you have your accounts exported, yes?


joedeye1's picture

I will try now!