No account found


I've been using x-Notifier (classic) since ages now.

Yesterday, I installed x-Notifier Neo on Brave Browser (using the Chrome engine). I got nothing in terms of account in the dashboard nor the icon.
I just tried install Neo on my Chromium, and it works instantly.

Can you please help me make it work on Brave Brwoser?




You might uninstall X-Notifier Neo...
...then try opening tabs in Brave browser, go to your email accounts, and sign in, leave them open...
...then install X-Notifier Neo again.


jeroen's picture

Assuming you allow for cookies and know you need to login your mail account for Neo to work...

I cannot account for Hotmail, because my Hotmail account doesn't work with Neo in any browser.
For Gmail and Yahoo I need to set (Brave shields defaults) Ad Control to Allow adds and tracking. It seems a pitty the only other choice is to Block adds, in which case only AOL works for me in Neo (meaning there is no Block tracking choice).

And though one can change the default setting for specific websites, I didn't find the way to do this for specific extensions.

jeroen's picture

"nor the icon"
Also assuming you do see the icon, but just don't see any accounts when clicking it...

Tyrell66's picture

Hi guys,

Hotmail was working after a while. Not Gmail accounts don't. I've got 6 Gmail accounts I need to monitor (family and so). Even with RpD's proposal, it din't changed.

The Gmail accounts are not even seen in the extension's options ;)


Is there some debug/troubleshooting I can do?

jeroen's picture

Gmail is working for me with the settings I indicated above.

ColieBud's picture

I Have same problème and i resolved look at this topic .... May be: